Does acupuncture hurt?

Leslie practices painless insertion and was influenced by her Japanese teachers who believe that acupuncture shouldn’t hurt.  That being said, there are some points on the body that sting worse than others.  If anything is uncomfortable, let Leslie know and she can adjust the needle.

What do the needles do?

In Chinese Medicine we believe that all disorders stem from an imbalance in the body.  After the initial intake, Leslie will come up with a diagnosis and figure out where that imbalance is.  According to the diagnosis, needles will be placed in various parts of the body to help the body bring itself back into balance.  Your body does the work, the needles illuminate and direct the energy to where it needs the most attention.

Is there medication on the tip of the needle?

No!  The needles are made of stainless steel and there is nothing on the tip.

Do you reuse the needles?

Absolutely not!  After the needles are removed, they are discarded in a sharps container to be disposed of properly.

How often will I need acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a healing process, and like any process, can take time.  It could be compared to an onion, and with each treatment a layer is peeled back, revealing what is laying dormant underneath waiting to shift.  Leslie has seen the most improvement and quickest recovery for chronic conditions by following a weekly treatment plan.  An acute condition such as a sprain would benefit from repeated treatments over a series of days.   After marked improvement, the treatment plan will be reevaluated and you would then continue with bi-weekly or monthly treatments according to the results.  Eventually, treatments could be used as a form of maitenence or upkeep for the body.  That being said, acupuncture is also a preventative form of medicine and to stay on top of your optimum health, it is recommended to get weekly treatments in order to keep energy flowing and in balance.

What can I expect in the process?

Your first acupuncture treatment could create a detoxifying effect in the body.  Toxins in the organs are released into the bloodstream; this could lead to aches, pains, fatigue, and symptoms feeling worse.  This is normal and usually only lasts through the first day after treatment.  You may also experience the relief of acupuncture immediately, and feel deeply relaxed and rejuvenated for days after the treatment.  Everyone responds differently.  Leslie suggests to drink plenty of water throughout the day after a treatment, and listen to your body.  If you feel tired, rest.

How should I prepare for my session?

Please eat at least a light meal one hour before the treatment.  It is highly unadvisable to get acupuncture on an empty stomach.  The initial consultation includes the intake, a tongue and pulse reading, and a whole body assessment, which takes approximately 1.5 hours.  Follow-up treatments normally last one hour.

What should I wear to the treatment?

Loose clothing that can be rolled up above the knees and elbows is recommended.

Are there any precautions with acupuncture?

There are no adverse reactions to acupuncture.  The most common “side effect” is sleeping better!

Is acupuncture safe for pregnant women?

Yes! Although, there are certain points that should be avoided during pregnancy.  Please make sure and let the acupuncturist know if you are pregnant, suspect you are pregnant, or are trying to get pregnant.

How big are the needles?

The needles are hair-size.  Leslie uses needles that are 0.16mm in diameter and 30mm long.

What can acupuncture help?

In the clinic, Leslie has experience treating:

  • arthritis
  • sciatica
  • insomnia
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • memory loss
  • vertigo, dizziness
  • weight loss
  • addiction
  • endometriosis
  • uterine fibroids
  • ovarian cysts
  • infertility
  • morning sickness
  • labor induction
  • back/neck/shoulder pain
  • knee pain
  • hip pain
  • plantar fascitis
  • cold/flu
  • gastritis
  • TMJ, bruxism
  • headaches, migraines
  • menopausal symptoms

This is a brief list of her clinical experience.  There are many more conditions that acupuncture effectively treats.

If I am currently working with a massage therapist, chiropractor, or other energy healer is it okay to get acupuncture?

Yes!  Acupuncture can be used as a complementary treatment to other forms of healing.